Make Marketing History

The views of a marketing deviant.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Network Effects.

As much as marketers like to talk knowingly about network effects and the interconnectedness of modern life, it is something else entirely to truly experience it. This time last week, when Guy Kawasaki linked to my old post Geek Marketing 101, I did just that.

Using my stats counter for the first time ever, I reeled in amazement to see my page inundated for hour after hour with more visitors than I apparently get in a day! The world wide web in action. Comments and compliments galore. Readers from as far afield as Ecuador, Bosnia, Tunisia and Indonesia. Real-life, as ever, is where the true insights are. It was remarkable to watch and I recommend it to everyone.

But where do I go from here? Yesterday at the Blog Business Summit, Jason Calacanis, senior Vice President at AOL and founder of showed me the way forward.

“Want to be an A-list blogger. Go to Techmeme. Look for the top three stories. Write about them every day. Go to the blogs of the other people who are writing about these stories and comment. Do this every day and attend every conference going. And you’ll be an A-lister. Write once every two weeks and wonder why you aren’t an A-lister?"

Hmmm, doesn't that imply that to be an A lister you have to pass over to the dark side and that the blogosphere is forever a geek phenomenon?

No matter, the top three TechMeme items today are here. Unsurprisingly they're technical issues about which I have no real expertise to comment intelligently. Oh well, back to obscurity!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose Jason Calacanis is instructing people on how to be a techie A-lister. What about handling it by vertical? Go to check out Viral Garden's top 25 and go there.

But ah, there in lies the rub. When all you do is comment on and write about what everyone else is writing about - where's the value? What do you bring to the table? Sure, it's fine on occassion to do that, but as your total approach to blogging, I think it's questionable.

I'll hang with you in obscurity John. In obscurity we can write about whatever we want!

5:25 AM, October 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear John,

I like you're thought even though you are not an a-lister..

I think I am a part of the Z list *s*

and who cares...

as Ann says, I thinkt the real value lies in the new things brought to the table...

not what a title or clan you want to label yourself with

6:59 AM, October 30, 2006  

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